Technopôle Brest-Iroise supports Campus mondial de la mer, France’s foremost community of experts in the study and economic development of the ocean. We aim to promote innovation and convert the existing concentration of marine science and technology expertise in Brittany into the creation of more companies and more jobs. Campus mondial de la mer is notably leading
- Ocean Hackathon® a 48 hours non-stop challenge to develop a prototype in a team and to think about its use, using various digital data related to the ocean; and
- The marine research infrastructures and facilities portal to access the marine tools and expertise to innovate which showcases the region’s extensive infrastructure and facilities devoted to marine science and technology and explains how to access them.

Partner Info:
Our Mission
Technopôle Brest Iroise, as a business support organization, will particularly participate in the attraction of businesses within the project. Thanks to our network but also the Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique network, we will be able to reach businesses related to marine activities. We will also participate in the acceleration programme and encourage local entrepreneurs to get engaged in the prototyping and testing phases afterwards.
Our main objective through the ProtoAtlantic project is to develop cooperation between research entities and businesses in order to foster innovative businesses’ creation in the maritime sector.