Cork County Council is a local authority which manages the delivery of local government services in the County of Cork which has a population of 399,216 in 186,200 households. The county is served by 55 Elected Members, making it the largest elected assembly outside of Dublin. Cork County Council employs approximately 2,500 staff and has an annual revenue budget of approximately €300 million. There are three divisional offices in Mallow, Clonakilty and Skibbereen and 22 Area Offices. County Cork covers an area of 7,459 square kilometres (2,880 square miles), which is 11% of the Irish State and makes Cork, Ireland's largest county.
The Council delivers a broad and diverse range of services, consolidated into 3 no. overarching pillars, namely:
- Community Development (people making) – Environment, Recreation & Amenity, Housing & Building, Fire Services
- Economic Development (placemaking) - Forward Planning, Industrial, Commercial & Urban Development, Tourism & Promotion Services
- Infrastructure Development - Road Transportation & Safety, Water, wastewater, Coastal & Flooding

Experience in European Projects
Project Role
Cork County Council will contribute to all work packages but with a specific role in policy formulation and communication and dissemination activities.
Through the Economic Development, Enterprise and Tourism Directorate and the Local Enterprise Office infrastructure, Cork County Council will engage with key policymakers at the local, regional and national level as means of influencing policy change. The key aim will be it influence future policy documents which directly deal with innovation and economic development these will include the Cork county development Plan, Cork County Local Area Plans, the Southern Region Action Plan For Jobs, National Action Plan for Jobs, the Regional Economic Spatial Strategy and the National Development Plan.