Minerva Pérez Ferreras
Minerva Pérez Ferreras has a degree in Business Administration and Law from UC3M in Madrid and MIBer from ISDI (Master Internet Business, MBA). Currently, she works as a Marketing Consultant and Content Marketing Expert, activities that she combines with teaching at MBA Business School (Marketing), ISDI (Digital Marketing) and acceleration programs (EOI - SPEGC), as well as with her collaboration in the Investment Club Making Ideas Business. She previously developed her expertise in Marketing and Branding at L'Oréal, in brands such as Biotherm, Ralph Lauren or Armani, as well as in Digital Marketing as Marketing Manager in the e-commerce El Armario de la Tele, was CMO in Better an App and collaborated in freelancing with digital agencies and consultancies for clients such as Correos, Mahou San Miguel and Félix Solís. Minerva will be delivering Workshop 3: Branding and Marketing in The Canaries on the 26th November 2018.

José M. de la Vina
José M. de la Vina has a Phd. in Naval Architecture from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, UPM, and an M.B.A. from the Instituto de Empresa, IE. He started his career working in a shipyard, and then progressed to work for companies like ExxonMobil, Chevron or AENA (Spanish Airport Authority) among others. At the same time, for seventeen years, José worked as a Associate Professor (part time) in the Naval Architecture and Shipbuilding department, UPM. Currently, he teaches in the University of Cadiz, and works as a consultant. In addition to this. José has served as a weekly columnist for eight years in a top Spanish Newspaper writing about economy, energy, climatic change and new technologies. He is also the Vice Dean of the Spanish Institution of Naval Architects, Marine Engineers and Oceanic Engineers (COIN). Specifically, José has expertise in; the Oil industry; shipbuilding; ship repairing and operations; new technologies, and; start-ups and investment. He is the co-founder of Oceano Azul. José will be delivering Workshop 4: Economic-Financial Plan in The Canaries on the 27th November 2018.

Enrico Milovan
Enrico Milovan is the director of Startup Wharf Ltd., in London, and has a strategy consulting background that he developed in the strategy practices of Accenture, Deloitte (in Italy) and PwC (in the UK). He holds a BCom from the University of Birmingham, and a BSc in International Business and Management from Alliance Manchester Business School. Enrico's career focus shifted towards growth and business model innovation when he joined Inzenka in 2012, a boutique consultancy specialising in launching new products and ventures to market for bluechip clients. In 2013 he decided to use his consulting experience to help start-ups achieve growth and joined Olivo, a start-up incubator. He was a key member of a small team of entrepreneurs that built and launched GENIAC, a digital marketplace for SMEs, which raised £22 million in series A investment. Since then, as a freelancer, he has been helping large companies to design and implement their innovation strategy all the way from ideation and change management initiatives to developing digital products and launching internal start-ups to market. Enrico will be delivering Workshop 5: Lean Management in The Canaries on the 28th November 2018.

Hannan Carmeli
Hannan Carmeli has over 30 years of vast and multi-disciplinary experience in hi-tech companies and senior management, with roles in the high-tech sector including COO, President and CEO roles in public and private companies. Hannan graduated the Naval Academy and Advanced Maritime Command School with commendation, and subsequently served as Patrol Boat Commander, and second-in-command of a Missile Corvette. He holds a BSc degree in computer science from the Technion and is a graduate of Boston University. As a Naval Academy graduate and with passion towards sailing and marine technologies, Hannan has combined together the worlds of hi-tech and maritime technology and founded theDOCK Innovation Hub which focuses on harnessing Israel’s technology assets to promote innovation for Port, Maritime and Logistics sectors. Previously, he was an Operating Consultant with the private equity firm Francisco Partners involved in acquisition and value creation of Israeli portfolio companies, as well as the Director of International Activity of the Israeli Innovation Authority (formerly Office of Chief Scientist), a government agency overseeing the Hi-Tech and innovation ecosystem in Israel. Hannan was also President and Co-CEO of ClickSoftware (publicly traded - NASDAQ), leading the company for over 16 years to become global leader in workforce management and service optimization. Hannan will be delivering Workshop 6: Partnership and Leadership in The Canaries on the 29th November 2018.

Liam Fitzgerald
Liam Fitzgerald is a graduate of UCC, CIT, DIT and IMI with a Master’s in Business Studies and post graduate qualifications in Management, Financial Management, Leadership, Strategy & Innovation. He is passionate about Entrepreneurship, Business and Education. In 2018, Liam was appointed Marine Incubation Manager in UCC. This is an Enterprise Ireland funded role with a national remit to support the development of internationally scalable businesses in the Marine Sector. He is based in the MaREI Centre, Ringaskiddy where he also leads the Entrepreneur Ship Business Incubator and Marine Industry Development Hub. He spent his early career in senior leadership positions with both SME’s and Multinational organisations including Lidl Ireland Gmbh and Lloyds Pharmacy. He managed businesses and projects in Ireland, UK and Portugal. Liam has been involved in start-up and early stage businesses across multiple sectors since 2005 and has led Enterprise Ireland funded programmes since 2014. He was part of the senior team in the Rubicon Centre, CIT where he worked with in excess of 100 high quality start-ups, leading entrepreneur development programmes like Exxcel and New Frontiers. Many of these businesses have progressed to become Enterprise Ireland High Potential Start Up companies, and are successfully scaling, selling both nationally and internationally and creating jobs. Liam will be delivering Workshop 1: Business Model in Cork on the 4th October 2018, Workshop 2: Lean Start-Up in Cork on the 8th November 2018 and Workshop 7: Pitch to Investors in The Canaries on the 30th November 2018.

Oscar Villanueva
Oscar Villanueva is an Industrial Organization Engineer. He has qualifications from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, and an MBA from the University of Barcelona, while he also has an Executive Development Program (PDD) qualification from IESE Business School, Barcelona. Oscar has also undertaken an Innovation and Entrepreneurship Program from MIT, Boston. He is an entrepreneur, and Co-Founder of Arrecife Energy Systems and Business Angel. Oscar has more than 13 years of experience in the energy sector at Repsol. He currently holds the position of New Ventures and Technology Transference Manager at Petronor as well as the Business Development and Operations of Arrecife Energy Systems, where they have developed a new technology to transform the power of waves and currents into electricity. This is expected to be in full-scale at sea in mid-2019. Oscar will be delivering Workshop 1: Business Model in The Canaries on the 30th October 2018.

Aday Francisco Guerra
Aday Francisco Guerra is a Computer Engineer with studies in Telecommunications Engineering and a Masters in Artificial Intelligence Research. He has always been interested in team management and agile software development methodologies, and is certified as a Scrum Master and Scrum Developer. His interests and expertise in technology and artificial intelligence led him to work as a professor of Computer Engineering for 9 years at the Alfonso X El Sabio University. Following the completion of his Masters, Aday worked in a start-up related to Artificial Vision. He is also the founding partner of two other start-ups related to the software in the cloud and smart cities using agile methods and lean startup. He has extensive training in software development technologies, as well as software engineering. Aday is also an expert educator in several business schools and accelerators, such as EOI and Lazarus, while he has also an abundance of experience in training business schools, accelerators, large organizations and SMEs in agile methods, lean startup and customer development. Aday will be delivering Workshop 2: Lean Start-Up in The Canaries on the 13th November 2018

Lawrence Dooley
Dr Lawrence Dooley (M. Comm., Ph.D.) is a College Lecturer in Enterprise and Innovation at University College Cork (UCC) since 2004. Prior to joining UCC, he was based at the Centre for Enterprise Management in the University of Dundee, Scotland. He undertook his doctoral thesis entitled 'Systems Innovation Management' at the National University of Ireland, Galway. His core research interests focus on organisational innovation and issues related to inter-enterprise collaboration and value creation. Other related interests include organisational creativity and knowledge exchange. He has published widely over recent years and actively liaises with industry both through applied research projects, consultancy and research masterclasses. Lawrence will be delivering Workshop 1: Business Model in Cork on the 4th October 2018 and Workshop 2: Lean Start-Up in Cork on the 8th November 2018.

Peter Finnegan
Peter Finnegan is the Director of Blackstone LaunchPad at University College Cork (UCC). A UCC Graduate (B.A. 1997, MBS 2001), Peter has been involved in the enterprise development and enterprise support arena since the late 1990s. Peter’s career has encompassed both the public and private sector in Ireland and overseas. Prior to joining Blackstone LaunchPad at UCC Peter worked with CORKBIC, NovaUCD, International Development Ireland, the Irish Exporters Association and CIT’s Rubicon Centre as Manager of Enterprise Ireland’s New Frontiers Programme. Between 2005 and 2010 he worked in the investment promotion and corporate services arena in Bahrain as part of an Irish consultancy team that managed and marketed the country’s largest international investment park. He has worked with promoters developing enterprises across the business spectrum. He is a member of the Cork Innovates Steering Group and an active member of Cork Chamber of Commerce. During his student days Peter was the first ever Postgraduate Representative to preside on the Governing Body of UCC. Peter will be delivering Workshop 1: Business Model in Cork on the 4th October 2018.

Eamon Curtin
Eamon Curtin, BEng (Electronics), MBA, is Director of the IGNITE Graduate Business Innovation Programme at University College Cork, Ireland. IGNITE supports recent graduate entrepreneurs to start sustainable, scalable businesses. The programme has supported over 100 start-up founders since 2011. Eamon leads the development of the programme and works with an extensive team of experienced workshop facilitators, expert mentors and accomplished guest speakers to provide practical support to the early stage founders. Eamon has a particular interest in business model innovation for early stage start-ups.Prior to joining University College Cork, Eamon worked with many hundreds of early stage and start-up companies as a consultant, mentor and trainer. In 2003, he founded his own firm to provide business development consultancy and training services to the SME sector. Eamon has worked extensively on training and development programmes for start-up and early stage businesses. Eamon developed his engineering and management skills in his early career with a number of US multinational companies. He spent 5 years in Research and Development at Digital Equipment (Ireland) Ltd. in Clonmel, Co. Tipperary, Ireland and then joined Burle Industries Ltd. where he was initially based in Cork, Ireland before taking a long-term assignment in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA. He then joined MOOG Ltd. where he spent 10 years in a number of management roles including long-term assignments in Copenhagen, Denmark and Milan, Italy. Eamon will be delivering Workshop 2: Lean Start-Up in Cork on the 8th November 2018.

Alexandra Xavier
Alexandra Xavier holds a degree in Chemical Engineering from the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Coimbra in 1990 and an MBA in Business Administration in 1999 from former EGP, now Porto Business School. Alexandra is currently head of the Centre for Innovation, Technology and Entrepreneurship at INESC TEC - Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering, Technology and Science. She is also the coordinator of Let-IN, INESC TEC’s incubator, having played a pivotal role in the foundation of some of spin-offs and other start-ups operating in areas related to INESC TEC’s scientific and technology-based competences. Xavier’s key competences lie in the field of Research on Innovation and Innovation Management, Business Model and Product Development Consultancy, Innovation Management Consultancy and Auditing, Coaching for Tech Entrepreneurial Projects (from Technology to the Market) and Project coordination. Alexandra will be delivering Workshop 1: Business Model in Porto on the 21st November 2018.

Sara Neves
Sara Neves is currently a researcher in the areas of Innovation, Technology, and Entrepreneurship at INESC TEC - Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering, Technology and Science. Previously, she worked as a consultant in innovation, having been responsible for numerous projects in cooperation with AEP - Portuguese Entrepreneurial Association. Moreover, she developed marketing activities at two large companies, IOL Negócios Media Capital and at the Walt Disney Company (Florida, USA). Academically, she is a PhD candidate in Management, specialised in Marketing and Strategy, and has a Master degree in Service Management, both from the University of Porto. She stayed seven months at SUNY – State University of New York during her bachelor degree in Marketing. Sara will be delivering Workshop 1: Business Model in Porto on the 21st November 2018.

Erwan Bescond
Erwan Bescond is the Business Department Manager at Technopôle Brest Iroise which aims at supporting innovative businesses, from idea to creation, and during their development. Technopôle Brest Iroise supports many companies from the maritime sector. Erwan has 10 years of experience in innovative projects support. He has also been the local contact point for Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique (Sea cluster) for 6 years. His task was to help the development of collaborative projects in the sea sector. Erwan will be delivering Workshop 1: Business Model in Brest on the 5th October 2018 during the Ocean Hackathon event.