Consultative Round Table Process on Policy Development
An important part of defining the sustainability measures will entail a series of consultative workshops with key regional stakeholders such as research and educational institutions, large companies and SMEs from a wide range of sectors across all partner regions. The principle aim will be to develop an innovation system which is more efficient and effective internationally and across partners’ areas to ensure that maximum innovative capacity is attained.
Financial Sustainability
ProtoAtlantic will comprehensively research and explore, through workshops and desk research, funding resources and other supports for building new synergies in the work of delivering actions that will allow regions to become more innovative.
The project will provide case studies of best practice and identify the type of infrastructure and policy supports that are available across the participating regions. This will be of use to other regions as they build capacity in supporting maritime and marine start-ups.
The inclusion of partners outside the Atlantic Area (Marine South East in the UK and Happy Ventures in Morocco) is highly strategic. Marine South East is a cluster of significant size and scale with links to policymakers at both national and European levels in the UK. Happy Ventures is a member of the African Innovation Ecosystem working on the development of a virtual innovation acceleration framework for startups in the Middle East and Africa. These organisations provide a platform to access policymakers beyond the partnership.