The ProtoAtlantic Startup Handbook: An Entrepreneur’s Guide to Blue Growth has been today published by the ProtoAtlantic project, and provides aspiring entrepreneurs and marine startups with an overview of existing maritime development strategies and agencies in the Atlantic Area, i.e. the coastal regions of France, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, and Scotland. ProtoAtlantic, through the collaboration of the partners Technopôle Brest Iroise, University College Cork, County Council Cork, INESC TEC, the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC), EMERGE, and the lead partner, Innovalia Association, have provided access to important soft and hard infrastructures presented in this handbook.
The handbook highlights existing enabling policies and agencies providing business development support in these regions. The handbook also illustrates some of the vital and existing test-bed infrastructure available to entrepreneurs and marine startups across the Atlantic Area. Finally, this handbook provides some best-case examples of how entrepreneurs and startups have navigated and benefited from projects like ProtoAltantic.
The outcomes of the regional workshops presented in The ProtoAtlantic Startup Handbook: An Entrepreneur’s Guide to Blue Growth can be used as a resource for marine startups and aspiring entrepreneurs.
Download The ProtoAtlantic Startup Handbook: An Entrepreneur’s Guide to Blue Growth below: