Ocean Hackathon® is a 48-hour non-stop event during which teams work solely from a range of marine digital data to develop a prototype and examine its possible uses. The event is being organised outside of the ProtoAtlantic project by Campus Mondial de la Mer, a sector-specific research cluster in Technopôle Brest-Iroise.
Join the Ocean Hackathon® enterprise in 2020 by organising the event in your city from 9th to 11th October 2020. The deadline for applications to host an event has been extended to 20th April 2020.
The weekend culminates in the selection of your award-winning team who will go on to pitch at the international competition in Brest in late 2020 and perhaps win one of the prizes donated by one of Campus Mondial de la Mer's Ambassador Organisations.
A call for challenges will be issued a few months prior to the event and will identify the projects on which each team in the participating towns and cities will focus.
Dowload the call for applications here.