On Friday 28th June 2019, ProtoAtlantic partners Innovalia Association and EMERGE hosted the second regional ProtoAtlantic Blue Growth Policy Round Table in The Canaries. The stakeholder event was well attended by a variety of key marine stakeholders in the region, including; SODECAN, ITC, PLOCAN, PROEXCA, Universidad de la Laguna, FEMETE, Puerto de Tenerife, INTECH, Factoría de Cohesión, Fundación General Universidad de La Laguna , ITER, Spanish Institute of Oceanography, and the Chamber of Commerce of Santa Cruz de Tenerife.
The policy roundtable is the second of a series of five sessions which will be taking place regionally over the forthcoming months, with additional events planned in Brest, Porto and Orkney/Scotland in 2019. The primary aim of these sessions is to develop an innovation system which is more efficient and effective internationally and across partners’ areas to ensure that maximum innovative capacity is attained.